
This module contains types exchanged at the syscall layer between actors (usually through the SDK) and the FVM.


Params for the network. This is now continued on into mainnet and is static across networks.

Total Filecoin available to the network.

Zero address used to avoid allowing it to be used for verification. This is intentionally disallowed because it is an edge case with Filecoin’s BLS signature verification.


Allowable clock drift in validations.

The expected number of block producers in each epoch.

Total gas limit allowed per block. This is shared across networks.

Ratio of integer values to token value.

Default bit width for the hamt in the filecoin protocol.

Multihash code for the identity hash function.

Codec for raw data.

The maximum supported CID size.

Base actor constructor method.

Base actor send method.

Lookback height for retrieving ticket randomness.

Total Filecoin supply.

Epochs to look back for verifying PoSt proofs.


Config trait which handles different network configurations.

Type Definitions

Identifier for Actors, includes builtin and initialized actors

Method number indicator for calling actor methods.